EKI Consulting - a VAT solutions company

Useful Links

Here's a selection of links we think will be of use to those who (like us) need to keep abreast of matters of concern to VAT payers:

Please read our disclaimer before you use any of the information contained in these links.

  • Disclaimer

    These links are provided by EKI Consulting as possible sources of material in researching taxation matters. We accept no responsibility nor make any endorsement of the information contained in these pages. It is recommended that professional advice be sought before acting upon any information contained herein. EKI Consulting, it's principals and it's employees shall not be liable for any loss incurred, whether direct or indirect, as a result of any omission or inaccuracy in the contents of these pages, nor shall they be a party to any contracts entered into for the purchase of goods or services from websites listed above.

EKI - the answer to all your VAT problems